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  • I am very happy we bought a set of three from you when we did - it's a very attractive set, and has been vastly superior to any others we have seen since. Now shown in Truus's *Ethnic Jewellery and Adornment*. In truth it only REALLY comes to life when people see and feel it, as it is so very large and has such a wonderful patina. The most recent one I saw in real life a few years ago was totally tinny, not a good quality silver (though not plated), and yet the owner wanted at least $4000 for it - and this was in London, where it looked a bit of an oddity. Pieces I saw in Paris were, if they were any good, considerably dearer than in London, and the very best were astonishingly expensive.
  • This is a set I had kept for myself and worn. I had several. The set I sold you was incredible and very old. Most I saw were not good.  There was another type that came out that I only saw one of. I will find the photo and post it eventually. It was my favorite of any minority piece I had at any time. It was an extreme piece. This style is extreme but that other one was just really out there!  and real I might add unlike most of the things now sold.
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