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Yemen neck with coral on beads wrapped l

Necklace silver beads with coral over core wrapped, Yemen late 19th ccomparison to one below, this was first one sold like this in 06 second one sold in 2010
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  • Another stunning necklace!!
  • I do prefer the other one - by a considerable margin, although this is still a good piece. But it's the other one I'd aim for, and gladly pay more for, as anyone should.
  • The funny thing is i don't remember this at all, then when I went back and reviewed I found it. I also didn't realize how similar it is to the other one. I have only seen two myself of this style. Some how the secone one is better because mainly the silver work on it is a bit more delicate and well executed.
  • Perhaps, Linda, you remember the 2010 better not only because you had it recently but also because it is clearly better? Of the two I shall certainly remember the 2010 piece more easily, even though that 2006 was also good. However, there is slightly more "sameness" in it - it does not "speak" to one as much.
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