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amber mala

Mala, original stringing, huge early amber beads with silver caps and inlaid stones. 19th c beads may be earlier. Tibet.
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  • Fantastic!!!
  • this was in my mind the best amber I have handled. the size of the large pieces were like apples and it had a beautiful patina.

  • You call this necklace a "Mala"  but -the name refers to prayer beads, which arent knotted so they can be slid along the string while prayers are recited, especially Hindu strands, and derived from that are Buddhist prayer beads also with a specific number of beads.


  • That is correct but in some Tibetan families they call this style of necklace a mala don't know why since their prayer beads have 108 beads on them with counters and weights.  When i see this in my lists of necklaces I know which one it is so it is more referring to the way i catalogued it than what it actually is. I think also these beads originally would have been on a mala strand as per old photos of monks wearing them in the Potala. These are the same kind of amber as seen on those which were mala's.

  • that's interesting- but confusing for us!
  • HI, I don't have time to recaption all of them so for my purposes it works, sorry if it's confusing...
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