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Libyan necklace

Recently purchased online. Any thoughts on origin? Thanks!
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  • Algerian? I have some pendants like these and was told they are from Algeria. It is really beautiful.

  • Here is the detail of the pendants. Would appreciate your thoughts on where and when this would be from. Thanks!


  • Thanks Toya! I did wonder if those khamsa pendants were Aures, but I don't have the knowledge yet to judge. Do the Algerians also use those turtle (?)-pendants?

  • Yes, I believe they do. But let's hope the experts give us their thoughts just to be sure.

  • Re. the little khamsas (with the podgy little fingers), there is a faitly similar one  -not completely- in Benfoughal !"Bijoux et Bijoutiers de l'Aures" p. 139 and 179 (not completely similar). But ..........the same type of hands in Sugier's "Bijoux tunisiens"  (sorry the pages are not numbered!). As for the round pendants there are a lot of them in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt,............not very conclusive, sorry! And have never seen the chain anywhere else......so maybe Ait could clarify /or not re. Algeria?

  • Hi Preethi

    did you buy it as old or new piece  ??

  • one is clear. Algeria is not. i will say tunisia, lybia or egypt

  • Hi Ait, it was listed as antique but I thought it may be vintage.

  • i agree with you

  • I looked in my book on Tunisian jewelry and found all of these pendant types represented there, as well as some of the same style chain. So now I think Tunisia. Ait and Chantal have more direct experience than I do.  I have also seen versions of the bottom round pendant attributed to Libya. It is a great piece, wherever it is from.

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