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bronze and iron beads. II

bronze and iron beads. II
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  • Absolutely wonderful! Any details about provenance/use? It does look old!

  • Not really Chantal, as I wrote before I got them in the Amu Dharia river region, where there have been lots of excavations and this are supposed to come from one of this. People that find them don't know at all. The thing is that I have already sold some of these and non of my clients have seeing them before either. Only close things I have seeing in books or through internet is those mentioned partian bronze beads, thats why I've posted them to have you guys help me to find.

  • You should go to a museum to have them identified by specialists. They look the real thing..........

  • The archeological complex in that region has been excavated and catalogued by Sariandidi of Russia, Ligabue Institute in Italy, Karlovsky and Hiebert of Peabody Museum connections in the US.  I would check with the Peabody Museum for date and authenticity.  They may be from the Bactrian Greek period???  They are not in the Bactrian period style that I am familiar with (2500 - 1600 B. C.)  

  • hi Anna, thank you very much, I will track that info.

  • Berberia. Azul felawen

    i have some items semilar from Iran and afghanistan, animals too. the ones exposed here. from my own experience, i see 3 differents metals. it is difficult to recognise only from the photo. the round with grey color looks plomb, the beads with dots looks silver or nickel, the green is bronze .the  bronze oxydation looks to me helped ( made look more oxydated and older than it is or happened in the free air ) some are not. all together ( the chaine ) was exposed for a while in watter .

    my camera is playing crazy, i get one soon and add you the pieces i have from archeological found

  • thank you too

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