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Mistery 2

It is about the same as Mystery 1!Would like to know its origin and aproximate value!!
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  • Looking at this as your SECOND mystery object I think this looks distinctly Indian, and I feel reasonably confident that that's what it is. The other one, weighing a kilogram, would cost quite a bit, simply even because of the large amount of silver, which in India even now would be an important element in calculating the price. Both are good pieces.
  • What I am not sure is that they are just silver...because there is a silvery look but there is also brass!!
  • If you see a lot of brass, then the likelihood is that the piece is silver-plated, i.e. is essentially brass, with a coating of silver over it, and that coating always eventually wears off. Is the brass most exposed where there is the likelihood of wear from hands etc? If so, silver-plating is indicated. Silver-plating would diminish the value by quite a bit. It is NOT a matter of cheating, but of cheaper production. It does not, of course, affect the cultural interest, value of workmanship, etc. Sometimes, also, some pieces of an object are made in one metal and others in another - but that seem unlikely here. Have a good look at it!!
  • I THINK is is probably plated, looking at it closely.
  • Sorry, I can't add any information on these.

    I would think thay are Indian, too, but I've also found that they can be traded so far that they get "lost" I've seen pieces that have made it to East Africa probably from India (just to confuse me I'm sure!)

  • Indian (and other) ethnic jewellery is indeed widely traded. Seeing this again I remain inclined to think (a week or so later) that it is indeed Indian. About 90% sure.
  • Laater return visit: Indian for sure, but maybe silver-plate. Still nice for all that.
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