We have a vast collection of images here which have been shared over the years ...

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A thank you to the wonderful members of this community
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  • Hi,

    The last year has seen the community go from strength to strength, with nearly 400 members, and over 11,500 images and many wonderful informative, educational and above all positive posts which appear every day.

    As another 12 months of running the site draws closer I have been feeling proud of what we have all created and looking to build upon what we already have.

    In the next year I would love to build up a selection of articles in the specially designated section to offer accessable information to those seeking to find it online...if you have pieces to add please do so......... by sharing our experiences and understanding we bring to life these fabulous pieces of adornment.

    Please consider what we as a community could add to the resources we already have, and drop me a line with ideas.  If we can feasibly develop an new concept then we will!!

    As creator of the site I would again like to thank Patti for her role as moderator, There is always so much to do to keep the site running smoothly and with the friendly ethos we enjoy, and I truly appreciate the help and support from Patti to maintain and nurture the site.

    Alongside the upkeep there is of course the cost involved in continuing to host the site. This rises as the site grows, In the past the generosity of the members of the community has covered many of the costs, it is now time to look to the next 12 months and plan to maintain and develop our community.  I would love to keep building and growing, and I would be so grateful for support to do so.  If any of you feel inclined or able to help me to meet the financial cost of hosting and running this evergrowing database and resourse please consider making a contribution via pay pal :


    Thank you all again for being a wonderful and important part of what makes this a wonderful place to visit and to belong..

    Warmest wishes


  • Hi, Thank you for the response to this post. I have been asked by a few members what the cost of hosting the site is for the year.  The sum is $240.. this is the main expense, the others are small and ongoing , and I cover these.  Thank you


  • Hi
    thank you for the efforts spended to create and keep this network existing.
    it is a huge work and lot of kosts. i hope that many members will add their part to continue.
    to be on this network is verry instructif and helpful. what there is nowhere to find.

    again Thank you for all the persones keeping it work
  • Ait -- and all of our active members, it is you, your courtesy and your knowledge that make this site so successful, we have been so lucky to attract and hold members such as yourself. I, personally, feel as if I am a friend to yours and to the many others on the site who respectfully share their experience and talents. It is always a great joy to read your posts and to marvel over your pictures.
  • Thanks to you Sarah, to Patricia and to all other members of the blog for a wonderful meeting venue, instructive,

    amicable and always a pleasure to visit. You have managed to get together a nice bunch of fellows!.

  • Thank you Sarah for creating this place for all of us, and for sharing your knowledge so generously. When I try to quantify all the things I have learned since joining the site I realize that I have grown in imeasurable ways. My appreciation for ethnic treasures has increased, my knowledge and understanding of the cultures who create them has deepened, and at last I have a community of friends to share my joy in these treasures.  I trust others who feel as I do will also contribute to this noble cause. Thank you.

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