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  • this one looks a lot like the button I had shown, but what is the wooden box thereunder? Just for decoration of the picture, or has it anything to do with the use of the button?

  • Yes Eva, it is one like yours. I knew I had one  from at least 35 yrs ago and found it. It is done in a lower silver material, therefore it must be also have been used in different areas where silver is used. The wedding clock I showed you had them in brass  warmer with this leather garment.)

    The wooden item it is on was just used for the contract it is a lovely wooden eating bowl from Jimma. I love those.

  • @Thanks Ingrid. Yes the wooden bowl is beautiful!! I like it a lot.I did not recognize at first, what it is. But we have a similar wooden bowl at home, it is from my husband, from Mali. It is different, but has some similarity.

  • Hi Ingrid, look what I found: 2506004549?profile=originalThey say, this is a pendant by the Sidamo. I have loaded more and bigger photos under my "button", if it interests you.

  • Yes Eva, like Sarah wrote it pays to be determined. Like the leather wedding voile with the coyry shells I showed you that also is from Sidamo. The same purpose fixed onto leather. I cannot say more than it is an amulet, of course, I still see it as an fertility (breast). But I am curious what you come up with.  I have no direct connections with Ethiopia but will try if you cannot come any further. Actually lovely color combination. very direct.

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