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Photo on 2013-09-23 at 16.53

Photo on 2013-09-23 at 16.53
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  • Lovely ear spoons! Do the lady's (or man?) wear these on a chain?

  • I have never seen them worn, but it was more the fashion for men, to be worn on woolen or leather thread. But in my experience I have seldom seen earpicks with the loops worn through(like the crosses) so I suspect that they were more kept in the pocket.

  • The function of the ear spoons is said to keep the ears open so the word of God is always audible.

  • poethic thought. But than what about the women? Because as on some of these discussions it was brought forward that it was only for men. Actually, here in the Netherlands there are also some silver earspoons, and.......I remember from my village there were some men from the dyke (remote areas) who kept a long pink nail to keep the ears clean. It shows we are all related. So also so often the neckcrosses are commented upon as keltic crosses.

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