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Ethiopian leather amulettes - 1

These are 3 old leather amulettes from North Ethiopia, (they contain written pieces on either goat leather or pergament, either verses from the Bible, or magic verses for protection). An example how such scripts may look like is given below).
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  • 2505997671?profile=original

    the sizes vary between 4x4 and 8 x 2 cm. Similar amulettes have been opened and its inside rolls photographed (I have not opened mine and will not. But I include photos of the seller of such text rolls above, some contain drawings, others only text, they all are either verses from the Bible or magic verses for protection, written in Ge-ez.

  • Great. We dont often see these on the blog.and particularly the contents.always wondered what it looked like. Thanks for posting that. They look quite old and well used.......

  • Thank you for showing a sample of the contents. Very informative.

  • Agree with Toya and Chantal. Thank you
  • @Thank you, I also find the contents very impressive, even those without drawings

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