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tiznit fibulae

tiznit fibulae
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  • Wow, this is one of the mosst extensive collection of north african jewelry i have seen on the net.

    Is this a private collection? auction sale? museum?

    MOre details please sarah

  • I was offered this selection for sale, some of the pieces are now sold, but I am able to make enquiries for individual pieces.

    The collection is based in Spain.

    there are also galleries of other antique items on offer.

    I have not re named the images, many are in need of accurate descriptions, i shall do this over time.


  • Wahhhhhh.,......Are they old? They are in such great state that they must have been kept in glass cases most of their lives?

  • Hi Chantal,

    these are very nice and well preserved antique examples.

    Warm wishes

    S x

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