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Silver gilt, enamel, coral, IndiaDescription:A wonderful medallion mounted into a broche with 4 beautiful coral beads, nice enameled colors reminiscent of the Uzbek art and a beautiful set with a refined work, the whole forming a very fine piece of jewelry ...Weight:16,70grDiameter::1,57inchwww.halter-ethnic.com
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  • Hello Michel, This is actually Chinese, made for the export market.  It is probably from the 1940's or so. It has very nice coral and enamel work.  If you search for "antique Chinese enamel filigree" on eBay (US site), you will find a few similar pieces.

  • Thank you very much for this information, Hillary Louarty...it is sometimes difficult to find the real story of a jewel found in a place (here India, Jaipur) which is blending different styles and influences ...So in a time I had a mongol pair of earrings but it appeared that it had been made "on order" by chinese craftmen ...moreover, the jewels are travelling ...well you know the specificity of jewels which are by definition moving from a place to another....  

  • Very useful comment here, Hillary - and you are clearly right. I had posted the piece on "Ethnic Jewellery and Adornment" without committing myself to any definite description, and have now adopted yours, with gratitude and acknowledgement - as I see Michel has also done on his website! We are indeed in your debt - and as so often, when once the point is made, you think "Of course"! So I am quite sure you are right. The four big corals had reminded me of Mongolia, but I had difficulty with the enamelling, and particularly the way that was arranged. So glad to have the matter cleared up!

  • Very contemporary and wearable

  • Hello Michel, Here is a bracelet on eBay- US website- that would make a wonderful companion piece for this brooch.  It is quite reasonably priced as well. http://www.ebay.com/itm/330665867749?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_...

  • Very true, Hillary! And I congratulate you once again on your skills in identifying and finding things. A very good match indeed. They are attractive pieces, though personally I prefer the brooch - but that is a subjective reaction.

  • Very Nice bracelet, Hillary, endeed...and so close to my broche aswell! Thank you again for this information...it would go so well with the broche : THE only thing is that those bracelets with enamel and stones are highly fragile to wear and THE risk to hurt THE Stones and enamel and to damage is far bigger than wearring à broche...anyway à good find and also à great work. Michel
  • Interesting comment, Michel. That point about vulnerability in wearing would just not occur to me, but it is possible that Truus, on the other hand, would consider it indeed a drawback. What in fact would happen, I feel, is that she'd still like the armband because it matches, and would keep it for that reason without wearing it. Which I'd be quite happy with myself, if she wanted to buy the brooch to begin with, which is not the case, though we both like it.

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