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Tadjik/Kirghiz(Uighur?) Heritage/Wedding Necklace.

Tadjik/Kirghiz(Uighur?) Heritage/Wedding Necklace.
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  • Repousse work or granulation? I`m still finding it hard to tell from just a photo.

  • Frankie, I'm quire sure that this has actual granulation.  

  • I`m really pleased to hear that you think that, Hillary! I can see that the patterns are less regular and stand more proud than Berberia`s example and had been hopeful that granulation had been used. I can even see that some might be missing as can happen with some old granulation. However I wasn`t sure.

    Thanks so much much - I always value your opinion.

  • Frankie, you can see the similarities to mine- in EJ photos, also on Vividvault.

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