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Mystery ring. North American?

Thoughts on where this could be from?
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  • To me it has more of a Chinese look. North American coral rings that I`m familar with are Native American designs of a more organic shape and mostly combined with turquoise. Could it be Southern European?

    Looks good, whatever, Preethi.

  • I agree, TH, just wasn`t sufficiently sure of myself to add those.

  • some more photos. i guess i have idea. not sure.

    where did you buy it ??

  • I would say that it may be Mexican though I can't say for sure. I have seen similar dome rings from Mexico with similar design and the same florets, usually made with turquoise though and with a thin adjustable band. Is the band on your ring adjustable?

  • Thanks everyone!

    The band's not adjustable, Nada. I guess the best thing would be for me to post a photo of the back of the ring. Will do that tomorrow.

  • This looks Italian, maybe Sicilian. I don't think Mexican or Native American,, see my own bracelet.  It's not the same but has a similar feeling.  Can you show the back of it, might be easier to tell what it is if the ring part is shown. does it have any marks on it? 2463500560?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

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