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soussi hoops, serrouchen and ornate fibs

soussi hoops, serrouchen and ornate fibs
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  • Sarah, these pendants 423 look like the drawn picture you posted on my Serrouchen necklace, have a look!

  • Hi Marie Ange  Maybe?....The examples I have seen are of a different construction...I would welcome an opinion from Ayis on this set...........

  • i have seen similar necklaces on sale in auctions here in paris, was intriqued to see this syle used as a fibula chain.

    Looking at it closely it was obviously a forgery

    Here it is used on a soussi fibulas while the style is of a necklace from the ait seghrouchen hundreds of mile to the east!!!

    Another fantasy from the moroccan bazars IMO

  • Hi, seller told me this is not authentic with the fibulas and fibulas are sold, the 423 piece he could not find as is probably in Morocco but is made of silver and made in the mountains of Soussi, this is not Seghrouchen according to him....

  • There was a silversmith ....mentioned I think by Hillary .....who made  very heavily nielloed pieces the look of these pendants reminds me of this...maybe they were made in the souss region, but this is a style which is not historically worn there...as a historical piece it doesn't really add up.

    S x

  • That particular artisan was from Tata, his name was Mohammed Habib.  This is not his style of work.  I don't think that the portion between the dangles looks nielloed at all.  The areas that are supposed to be nielloed are too thick.  Niellow is applied in negative areas, often just incised grooves.  There is wirework here that has the darker substance surrounding it.  The silversmithing is not consistent with niello work.  There is a more recent imitation of niello which is in essence a very dark grey plastic or resin inlay that makes pieces seem nielloed.  I'd have to see better photos of this piece to see that exactly the workmanship is.  

  • Hi Hillary, thank you for this input...I appreciate it.

    I don't think that these were made by the silversmith you speak of, just something about the boldness which sets both apart.

    And yes I think wirework is what we are seeing here, whereas the Serrouchen and Haddidhu pieces such as this are incised.



  • Hi Sarah, I misread your comment, now I see that you were referring to the style of work.  I have seen lots of nonprecious metal work done in this style as well as in silver.  I'd love a close photo, it would clear up a lot of questions for everyone!

  • Hi Hillary, the piece isnt mine, so I can't provide the much needed close up!!

    I just feel that this is not an originsl tribal serrouchen or even a Haddidhu piece.


  • I know that the piece is one of many that you were kind enough to post from the Spanish collector.  I was merely musing!  

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