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Silver bracelet, Egypt

There is a similar one but gold washed and, I think with no hand symbol, in Azza Fahmy's "Enchanted Jewellery of Egypt". "Cat" halmark.
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  • very nice bracelet jose. is this one azza collection ? she has actualy a lot with khamssas. her khamssa are different

  • Thank you, Aït. This is an old one. A similar one is featured in Azza Fahmy's book and I seem to recall that it is a peasant design. I cannot check it though as I do not have the book at hand at this moment and I am talking by heart. I have another old matching pair in silver but with no hand.  

  • very nice, I like the moons and stars..........!

  • Very nice, Jose.

    I wonder (I am a curious person) do you still buy your Egyptian jewelry now a days?

    If so it is very clever of you to find any old ones now. May be Spain still has a lot of ethnic jewelry shops, in the Netherlands we do not.

  • Thank you, Harald. I recently found this one among the items of a fashion jewelry shop in the US. It was certainly out of place there.. I am afraid that we do not have in Spain many ethnic jewelry shops but just a few.

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