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Dragon bracelet pair - more info?

Vintage Chinese. More info appreciated.
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  • I'm more a granulation kinda girl, rather than filigree, but there are some filigree pieces that make me go weak at the knees. This pair was one such.

    I won't have these in my hands right away sadly, and as I don't know much about these, thought I'd check with you all.

    Couple more photos below taken by the seller.


  • Hi Preethi,

    I believe these lovely bracelets were worn by Straits Chinese women, check the photos I took from the book 'The Straits Chinese, a Cultural History' by author Khoo Joo Ee. Straits Chinese/Peranakans were people of Chinese descent who lived in Malaysia and Indonesia in earlier times, I believe already early 19th century and had intermarried with the locals, creating a wonderful fusion culture by adopting the local culture, cuisine and customs and combining it with their Chinese cultural roots plus a bit of colonial European/British details. Anyways, there is a lot of information to be found online.

    Another great find of yours to add to your collection!


  • Beautiful!

  • Such work! I believe the straights Chinese had a preference for filigree work. I wonder how that came about. It`s something I`m beginning to appreciate increasingly.

    The usual great information, Howah!

  • greaaat bracelets!!! i love chinese filgree it is so delicate and subtle

  • i have visited the museum of Penang in Malaysia a couple of years ago, where there is a wonderful display of straits chinese material life!!

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