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ouarzguit headdress

Ait Ouarzguit headdress with khrab central pendant 15 cm long in great condition Khrab are a later addition to the piece. £75
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  • Sarah is this an older piece? Why are some Ouarzguit pieces more expensive than others? Is it age or type of jewelry/ I think this is a lovely piece yet the price is much lower than some of the other pieces which you have sold from the same area. Just curious.

  • Hi PAtti,

    This piece is in metal rather than silver, the central piece is older than the khrab, which are added later, and there are a couple of replacement dangles too.. all reasons for a lower price.

    S x

  • Have you seen older silver pieces like this in Morocco? Also, is the glass original to the piece? Are there older original silver Ouarzguit headdresses available?

  • Hey, The glass is original, and the central pendant is very nice.

    Silver headdresses from the Talouine region are scarce.

    The ones which do come onto the market are expensive.


  • I guess I am a bit of a purist! this piece has been altered a bit, and for me the integrity is an important factor in pricing..it is difficult to find old pieces in original condition, therefore when it happens the pieces cost lots.. this piece is lovely, but altered..

  • I love the workmanship of the central pendant-- is that worn enamel or is the paleness of the enamel from the lighting alone? Are the niello dangles replacements? I guess I am also surprised by how much work the artisans put into pieces which are non-precious. The relative lack of headdresses which are silver also surprises me since so much of the other jewelry from that area is silver ( eg my great bracelets -- and those beautiful rings you are showing). Is there a reason for the discrepancy or is it just because jewelry from that whole area is rather hard to find?

  • I think that there are several levels of quality, those pieces for the rich ladies, and those for the ladies wishing to look like them, but made in lesser materials.

    the enamelling is the lovely muted kind..

    and ye, the nielloed pieces are added from the neighbouring souss valley pieces.

    The silver headdresses however as you state are very scarce.

    S x

  • Actually the relativ isolation of the ait ouaouzguit and the fact that they didn't harbour much jewish population, helped maintain an overall purity in shapes and still now in isolated villages, traditionnal dances are perfomed with traditionnal jewelry (opposite to western anti atlas for example  tiznit area where ladies have surrendered to coined jewels and gilded silver or gold jewels from the cities.

    BUT the total impoverishment of rural areas in post colonial Morocco made that nobody could afford silver, which was then eventually replaced by metal and enamel by chemical painting!!!

    The nielloed pendants are obvious additions from further west but can't tell if the enamel is genuine or paint

  • Here is a little headdress I bought years ago from France. It looks like a rural headdress with pastel paint in lieu of enamel -- 2506004996?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024I like the choice of pastels.

  • Pre trip sale £50

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