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The central stick has been replaced with a salt-water pearl, and hooks attached to make this pair wearable.3.5 cm long (without the hook), and 14 grams
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  • WWWWWWWWWWWWWooooooooooooooow  preethi. this is great

  • Very elegant arrangement.

  • Thanks Ait and Chantal. I was torn when purchasing this because the central screw was replaced with the pearl, and it no longer had its original look. This type of earring is intended to be worn at the top of the ear, through the cartilage, but these old earrings have huge screws too. There's no way I could have worn this one in its original form, but it's very wearable in its current form.

  • Oh, so beautiful!  Congratulations, Preethi.

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