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ivory beads

large ivory beads from an old Tibetan mala each about 1-1.5 " diamter 18th /19th c
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  • A very good necklace, Linda.

  • These from old Tibetan mala's. I used to get them in China .. all gone now. Mongolian people had them also.

  • Yes, I remember seeing the malas some decades ago, but not recently. The beads obviously are very usefully employed for necklaces.

  • I think I got it about 12 years ago. I had a few that I sold and kept this one. They must have come from a particular region and when they all went, that was it. It is like anything else in the field. You also see them usually at the same time too on the market.  LIke ice cream, flavor of the month.

  • Yes, and when you do see a number of pieces of the same kind in several different spots, it is only too easy to tell yourself that there are too many, whereas most frequently it is just one "load" arriving in different places at the same time, and once they are gone you may no see them for years, if ever.

  • That is the only thing I regret, never having quite enough buying power to buy all of what you see when you see it, that is good.  I have done it all few times and  for years being on the spot when things were coming out , reconizing them as good and should buy and not being able to do it. If there were only one thing that i was interested in then it could have perhaps been accomplished but there were too many types of things and too many times it happened and not enough resources... too little too late, or too much and no idea... either way.. same. But to have witnessed it is also interesting to preserve the history or chain of events is also important.

  • You are so right Linda and I think this happened to many of us. But any how I am happy that I have accomplished to get a collection even as I often was not able to buy all the beautiful things what came on my path.

  • You can sell them? dear Linda Pastorino

  • Beautiful old beads, Linda - you are lucky to have them in your personal collection.

  • I was getting these from China but they have all but vanished now. I had several sets etc. They are mostly Tibetan. Were either used on horse bridals , people wore them on mala's and or were used on as beads here and there on pouches or pail hooks etc.  It is also harder to deal in antique ivory now , and in some states one can not sell it at all, antique or not .  So it is something that is a bit tougher in states anyway now. 

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