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Himachel gau with enamel copy

Another rare gau , should not have sold this as it's the only one I ever had. Purchased in HK years ago, it actually is from Northern India Himachel Pradesh.
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  • this is gorgeous

  • I remember the elderly lady in the UK that purchased it having no idea where it was from but loving it all the same. I regret giving it up as it is the only one I have ever seen or had. Nice wire work design.  Funny how things end up all over, Finding this in Hong Kong of all places!

  • Wow, I can understand you regret selling it!!

  • And I understand why the lady loved it!

  • There's something magical about the combination of coral and blue enamel, regardless of where a piece is from.

  • I totaly agree Hillary.

  • geez, another beauty i missed out on..

  • Very nice, Linda - yes, you'd miss it.

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