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  • some new items,i got then in Congjiang area of china.
  • Great finds!

    What exactly is the ornament on the left, please: a pendant? or head ornament?

  • hi Betty!thx for ur reply.the left side is a  box  which   used  to   load  Needles   or  tobacco.the   drop  which  look like   little  fish  is   used  to   clear    the  tobacco pipe  .it's    Hung on the waist.hope u can  understand  my  poor  English.

  •  Bttey,i  show u  some  pics  then u will  know  how  these  items  be  used.


  • and i  find  these  items  belongs  to  one   tribe,lol


  • Beautiful pictures, Son of Hmong! It is always great to see how jewellery is worn. Thank you so much. 

    The small fish dangles adorning the tobacco/needle container are really cute. I see there are also fish depicted on the torque necklace. They actually look similar to the fish motif used in North Africa. I guess they are also a fertility symbol...

  • Betty u  know,fish  and  duck  for  hmong  people  just like    gods.becuse  they  live in the   water,hmong  think   these  animals  has   spirt  of   water.so,they  use   these  animal   picture  on hmong's  silver items.

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