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Ethnic jerwels from aorund the world

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  • I like this style. It looks yellow, is it silver or some other material?

  • The style is called Khal khal and is Saharan, is it a very tarnished piece or of a yellow metal?


  • Thank you Sarah nice to know it has a name!! I bought it somewhere in Morocco in the Middle of Nowhere from a guy on the street

    for very little money!

  • There are two or three workshops in Morocco where pieces such as these are made in the style of the original Khal khal. I do wonder if this may be a piece from such a workshop.

    The detailing on this piece is not as fine as the usual Saharan Kel Inaden work shown below.2463436220?profile=RESIZE_480x480


  • Hi Sarah but I looked again and it is definitly not metal is is yellow like copper!!

    The piece you are showing is a beauty in silver!!

  • i think this one is made from a touareg smith who was or worked with people from niger, the zigzag and points are called Ayir sampl. ayir or aiir mountains are in ouest norts niger. to get ther , there is a passage in this zigzag form, formed from duns ( sand small mountains, is it dun correct name ??  )

    could be mauritania

  • confirm it is called Khalkal, it is usually worn by Tuareg or Mauritanian nomads. The one shown below by Sarah looks Tuareg, the one above with the 5 knobs looks rather South Moroccon, or Mauritanian, or Northern Mali (Timbuktu has a lot of influence from Mauritania and Southern Morocco, as it once was conquered by Morocco a long time ago, now being Mali). Perhaps I am wrong and it is from the Niger as Ait Ouakli says - but the knobby style is from the area Mauretania-Southern-Morocco- Sahara (Layoune).

  • khalkhal means " bracelet in amazigh" amazigh language is the oldest northafrika language, the writing is tifinagh.

    yes the one from sara is 100% touareg.mabe this one too. it is verry old and the aiir motif is rare in new jewelry

  • i have 2 like the ones from sarah, they are not so beautiful like saras one.specialy mali, mauritania and south marocco have the same form. what is making the difference is just the motifs

  • i found a link to the air mountains . it is why in touareg jewelry language it s called air motif


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