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Ethiopian Talisman

Ethiopian, copper ~3 x 1 1/4". Reminiscent of a Tallis. Would welcome comments as don't know meaning of the piece or its symbols
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  • Lovely amulet.  this is an protective amulet worn in a southern province of Ethiopia,Sidamo.  It is worn on a leather strap. the circles  are eyes to protect the wearer against the evil eyes.

  • Thank you for sharing your knowledge, Ingrid.  I really appreciate the help I've received from you and Eva.

  • Hi ANjali thanks for your message. Yes, this is a Sidamo Amulett as Ingrid wrote. She is the expert on Ethiopian things.. I thought the circles could mean eyes but was not sure. Now we have Ingrid's confirmation. great to know!  Am glad it worked out well (the loading of the Picture).

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