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Bedouin Lazm from the Arabian Peninsula

Worn on the chin line and not as a necklace. Rare to find!
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  • Wow, what a great piece! Congrats, Nada.

  • Nada you wrote that this is worn on the chin line, do mean on the chin? it must be weighty so how is that kept in place without  dropping down on the neck.  An interesting piece.

  • Yes Ingrid, this is a piece of jewelry that I think is uniquely Bedouin. It is worn thus: the ends are tied to the head gear near the ear lobes and it is worn on the chinline covering the neck like a chain curtain. Very peculiar.

  • Thank you Nada, Very peculiar indeed and I cannot think it to be comfortable. But we all have funny ways, like remember how women used and still wear corsets.!

  • Love these particular types of necklace, chin necklaces. The only pic I can find of one is on a Jewish bride in Yemen. Very delicate lazem worn at chin  line.yemenite%20jewish%20bride.jpg

  • Stunning, but still uncomfortable, this is beautiful work. Thank you Patricia. 

    Now looking at one of her necklaces, those red beads, they are around  what are they made of?  I think that is re-constituted  corral, others say it is glass, but when you break it up it is not powder but all tiny flakes.  It does not bubble when you put aceton on it (which is the case with corral) . Perhaps anybody has more facts on these beads?  I had quite some necklaces, purchased in Yemen by a friend.

  • Lovely picture Patricia! I couldn't find one so thank you for that. Of course the one you've shown is much finer than this one but does serve the same function and I agree Ingrid, it can't be too comfortable, especially if you're doing any kind of work. I believe it was only used for special occassions and not a daily adornment. As for the beads, I've never broken one down and always assumed they were glass.

  • wow never saw a picture of a chin necklace before, have seen these be worn as tight necklaces, very nice to know how they were worn originally!!

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