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Draa temporals

Draa temporals
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  • Details of the coins. Sorry they're a bit fuzzy.


  • wow preethi, are you opening a museum, so beautiful pieces you purshassed

  • Gorgeous! I am consumed by envy!:)

  • wow super beautiful temporals!

  • Great old pieces! really priceless.

  • These, for me, we're the most fabulous of Preethi's finds.
    So happy you found these on the tour x
  • they are really lovely! What a pity, that I did not collect, when I was on a mountain trekking tour in the Draa valley and surroundings, many many years ago!! I like them a lot!

  • A very good pair, Preethi! You see those not very often so it is a very lucky find!

  • Hi Preethi, have been reading more about them, I think Ait Seddrate / Tinzouline  looks likely

    S x

  • Sarah, I would love to know where one may find more information about these pieces. Where did you read about them? I'd also very much like to know what distinguish these as coming from Ait Seddrate / Tinzouline. Thanks!

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