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Mauritanian wood and aluminium bangles

Mauritanian wood and aluminium bangles
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  • wonderful!!!!!!!

  • Hi all, any thoughts on where this pair could be from? Thanks!

  • aluminium and wood and the patterns are likely to indicate a mauritanian or a west sahelian origin...but no definite thoughts
  • I found an image on pinterest that shows these bracelets being worn. The photo was captioned 'Berber Woman' and was credited National Geographic, June 1971. Does this mean the bangles are southern Moroccan?


  • I have seen bangles such as these for sale recently on one of the websites and they are stated as Mauritanian.

  • BTW love the National Geographic pic but I don't see the bracelets.

  • the bangles are mauritania. the princess : osuth Marocco until mauritania

  • Hi Patti, she's wearing the bangle after the chunky silver one on the arm in the foreground.

  • patti. on the right hsnd form the girl, the one in the middle and the one under it for sure. the left hand, the thiny one( you can see the silver shining )

  • Ok, i see now -- just love the combo of wood and silver!

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