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  • Linda, You do not mean one like this by chance?  This is also from that area and Sidamo, but these were to protect them.  And they didn't come onto the market until about 1980 about.  Because the dealers were scared to handle them.

  • No , not this style , never saw this before.  I like your table, I have a few of those too! 

  • Linda these wooden items do have a beautiful patina.  Did you know that these tables (Jimma area) are also serving as cutting boards in the kitchen for onion or meat?  Check on the back side of your tables and you may see the carving marks.   These tables are mostly used to put coffee cups on, cups are small mokka cups and need a even ground, the mud floor would be to uneven.

  • i worked for a store that imported many great old pieces in the late 90's and early 2000's. Chairs, tables and other utilitarian pieces.  I had a nice collection at one time but started selling them a few years ago. 

    I have one chair left now only and a few tables . I also have one shield that is inventory. 

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