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Ait Serrouchen/Seghrouchen Cuff.

The niello is just about all intact on this side.I don`t know of any othe Serrouchen cuffs outside of a museum. I`d be glad to hear if anyone knows of any.The Quai Branly Museum Paris has two pairs. They not in any better condition. In fact some a little worse.Thank you, Sarah!
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  • Happy to move it into the right hands x
  • I did wonder If the wear may be near side and offside to the body differences in wear?
  • I have wondered that too, Sarah. But why would someone always put it on the same way round? Maybe it`s something to do with conditions of storage.

    Anyway, I`m very proud to own it. Remember the Serrouchen section in the museum?  Seem to remember claiming it as "mine".

    And you being given stewardship of a section for a bit!! Don`t think many could claim that!

  • You must be getting close to a cabinet just like it by now !
    I shall keep my eyes peeled in April for the rest of the pieces you need !! ;-).
    I was so happy to be an honorary guide in the Berber museum for that few minutes ! Maybe one day I can go to work there !

    Dream job.......
    I have been to see the collection 8 times now. And each time is just as wow as the first!!

    S x
  • What your collection really needs is some fab temporals !! S x
  • The trustees of the Berber museum don`t know what they`re missing!

    Of course I need Serrouchen temporals.......and the pockets to go with them!! But I haven`t forgotten. How could I?

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