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An indulgence of bracelets Frankie

An indulgence of bracelets Frankie
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  • I packed the car of silver and beads in fear of being evacuated off the farm yesterday in Australia, and these are my bracelets, which I do tend to wear (all of them!).


  • Beauties. I hope you are safe and well Ann x
  • Thanks Sarah.  I can't tell you what a relief it is today.......the day is beautiful, cool and quiet (the roads are mainly closed with fires in the area) and so there is no traffic, the birds seem to be very happy and must have had a horrible time trying to cling to the branches.  The wind was horrific.

    I could not bear to lose all my jewels - I was almost paranoid with the thought of them all being burnt so started filling the boot first (in the hope that the car wouldn't burn as well!)  Can you imagine!  I seem to have so many boxes of good beads and silver and I know I couldn't replace most of them.

    However, God was good and spared us yet again - we have had some very close shaves before.

    How lucky are we.................


  • What a great pile of treasures. So glad you are safe. I once packed to evacuate from a fire in California. My beads and jewelry were the first things I put in boxes. These experiences certainly help us recognize our priorities.

  • Toya, some of my friends laughed when I told them the car was full of beads and they asked "why not your clothes?" ........aaaah, and only e.j. people would understand,  " clothes can be bought so easily"  I told them.     One friend told me to buy a fire proof safe, and I realised I would need quite a large one, is this a good idea?

  •  Ann, I like the idea of a very large fire proof safe for our treasures. Let me know when you find one. :)

  • ann

    sorry to hear that. i m following since days the fire in Australia. take care of yourself and becarefull if it is not yet finish.

    there is some last minutes reactions, could help in this cases.

    _ if you have a garden, just prepare days before a deep hole , when the time comes, you put your jewelry in plastic bags inside the hole, add the earth on, as much as possible and throw watter on

       dont forget to cover the hole during the days it is open ( could someone or animal fell in )

    -buy some big pottery, put your jewelry inplastic bagsa and then all in a wett cloths. togetehr in the clay pottery and make the pottery also wett

    -feel up the bathhub with watter ( in case left ) put your jewelry in plastic bags and throw all in the bathhub

    - free a refrigerator and put your items inside

    the australian governement and naturprotection has to work with the aboriginies. they know what to do when it start getting hot

  • What a fabulous pile, Ann!

    I`m so relieved you`ve been spared. But I know it can only amount to a tiny fraction of what you feel. But you`d look great wearing your "indulgence"! I think it`s not a bad collective noun for our hordes. Please update us with how things are going with you if it`s possible.

    Ait Oukli`s suggestions are so useful. I wonder how many of these forgotten caches remain to be rediscovered.

  • Great ideas, AIt, I am just afraid in such intense conflagrations, those measures may not be enough, especially in terms of saving the old beads. I am not so sure even a fireproof safe would be enough because the intense heat may penetrate it and harm any glass or beads inside.

  • you are right Patti. in worse case nothing helps. i wish that nothing semilar happends to any of us.

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