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27 silver hamsas, Faouzi ..

27 silver hamsas, Faouzi ..
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  • lovely bold piece...nice use of those yummy pendants!

  • Lovely design and photo!
  • Gracious me - didn`t realise you`d been quite so busy with the hamsas!

    Great idea to keep the design simple. Shows them to best effect, I think.

  • what a nice combination, the prayer beads (this type they use in Mali, perhaps these are Moroccon? I have no idea) and all these many hamsas! Incredible!

  • What a wonderful necklace Ann did you buy it or design it??

  • Perfection!

  • To all:   This is one of Faouzi's creactions, I bought it in his shop and I should have been more explicit when I posted it.  Sorry!  

    Its lovely isn't it?  I will probably split it up though as I don't have too many occasions to wear such a bold piece and I do like to wear all my jewellery.  If it doesn't get worn within a year, then it gets altered and incorporated into other necklaces.

  • Yes I love all the beautiful khamsa pendants, just wear it as is Ann, no need for a special occasion just feel pretty with it!!  I wear all my jewelry including the big items to work because I love them and many people ask me about my jewelry and compliment me on it.

  • Hey Ann, I agree with MA keep it as it is and love it

    think of Faouzi when you wear it ...your day will be magical every time !


  • Ah, now I understand the title. For a moment I thought you`d snuck off and done some nifty negotiations with hamsa purchases at the shop!I think it could be worn at any time, too. But the great thing is to be comfortable with it. If you find it doesn`t suit, I know your well capable of using it in a way to make you happy.

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