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2013-12-15 15.37.12

Home made amber necklace from the time it was still affordable....
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  • beautiful !!!

  • I love the way you used very different elements and put them together in this design. So clever! And beautiful.

  • Thanks :)  many of the elements came from Sarah <3 she has been supplying us all over the years!!

  • yummy amber

    i love the one with the silver wire!!

  • They make faux amber beads with wire no, nothing like the real repaired amber beads.....

  • Very beautiful with the elements! Maakte je het zelf?
  • Thanks Akkie, ja eigen ontwerp aantal jaar geleden, nu niet meer te betalen :(((

  • One of your best yet in my opinion, Marie-Ange. Absolutely delicious!

  • thanks Frankie x

  • Nice pieces and combination. Very interesting necklace.

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