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Harald's photo

Harald's photo
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  • The image was saved as a tiff but was described as a jpg by the site. Some browsers like Firefox or Explorer see this as an error and don't read the image. Some browsers, like Safari, aren't so picky. I couldn't see the image on Firefox but could on Safari. Hope this helps.

  • Preethi and Harald.  Thank you a lot. i could not open it too. was not some thing about animal jewelry ??

  • @Harald, Preethi, now I can see the photo.....great.How can anyone domesticate a rhino and a leopard? My cats are bad enough .I still get scratched and occasionally snarled at  after years of domesticity with me!

    Preethi, thanks for the technical explanation (I dont understand it but it works).

  • Am really glad this photo has been featured. Its a smasher and it took a lot of technical skills from Harald and Preethi to make it visible to all. The guy on the left looks like Kipling...........Still dont know how you can domesticate a cheetah/leopard............from when they are kittens? Even then.....dangerous!

  • Hey, many thanks to all three of you for that techno-magic. I use Firefox so that explains it.

    Yes, Chantal, I would never trust a basically wild creature even though domesticated since birth. I`m grateful for the alert.

    Near my home in the north of England an eccentric antique/ second-hand shop keeper has a wonderful carnelian and leather elephant bracelet - such large carnelian chunks - thrown casually in with stuff most of which is junk. ! Unfortunately he wont sell it to me!

  • Keep at it, he may weaken! He shouldnt put it in his window if he does not  want to sell it! pervert!

  • So funny, Chantal! The guy is just weird. Not the first time I`ve been refused something in a shop like that. I once asked in a similar shop if I could buy a particular item and was told " Of course not!"

  • Did he say why not? Normaly he should write "item not for sale" (are you still in Bulgaria where they dont have the same custom?). Now look at the latest similar pic. from Harald, the men are the other way round........so strange.

  • Chantal. preethi brought from India a magic wand. she put it at the photo, after it we could all see it and she turned the men in the way she wants it :-)

    with photoshop, you can turn the photo or mirror it left, right up and down

  • Oops, sorry guys. Yes, the image did go through photoshop and ended up as a mirror image. Harald, I hope you didn't feel I was appropriating your image. If so, my apologies. I was just trying to help.

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