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  • I don't know what kind of animal leather this is. It doesn't look or feel like cow leather, but I may be wrong. I believe the shells are cowry. The leather is quite dry and the strap is so brittle, it's fallen apart in areas. The leather squares are in decent shape.

  • If they are African, it would probably be goat or camel leather.Are they cowries? Cowries look a Little different and either the other side of the Shell is on top  (forming a split in the middle) or the other (round) side  is opened with a metal stick, revealing the inside of the cowrie, (this part then usually  on the bottom side. I have never seen a "closed" cowrie on African jewellery,  but I might be wrong. So, I am not 100% sure if it is African, but the square boxes look like Saharan amulettes to me. I really wonder if someone knows for sure.

  • The black is closed. The centerpiece has the shape of and feel of a cowry, but could be something else. The leather appears to have been shrunk around shell/white piece. It's very tight.

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