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  • These are Hindu deity pendants from India. You have acquired a nice collection of quality pieces. It would be interesting to know something about the person who collected them.

  • I am also quite curious, for someone who is seeking  advice on her beautiful pieces, they all look  the right items, with the years on them, with the full authenticity atmosphere etc. etc.   Gr. Ingrid.

  • I believe the owner of the jewelry passed away. The auctioneer couldn't tell me. It's the only thing that makes sense. I buy items that look old, find out what they are and tag them. This jewelry easily could have ended up in the trash or at a thrift store just because they are aged and dented. That's what I look for. I bought all of the old jewelry for sale, which was quite a bit. I'll be adding more pictures later. Thanks everyone.

  • You are right Ingrid, these are Hindu. I think it may be of the Hindu God Shiva. I like the little dog on the bottom.

  • Wow, that sounds like the kind of estate sale I dream about. You have a good eye for quality.

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