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Zanzibar, where slaves were kept, in chains.

Zanzibar, where slaves were kept, in chains.
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  • Underground, with slits for air, where the slaves were kept chained to the walls and awaiting their departure from Zanzibar. 

  • What a terrible place and what a dark history! It makes one shiver. How could this only ever happen! Without wanting to make this terrible history less than it is, what most people do not know, slavery also and still exists in Africa and Arab countries today, but I do not know if they are really sold until today, but they "belong" to someone and work for them all their lives. In Mali e.g., there existed slaves until today, but they can move freely. Most of them were slaves by heritage, or by debts. In order to pay their debts, they went into some sort of slavery and worked in the salt mines in the north. This was confirmed to me by close Malian friends and my Malian family. Also in Saudi Arabia there are slaves until this day.

  • Eva, I can't tell you how I feel towards the Africans and what we as Europeans have done and the way we treat them.

    They are LOVELY people, so gentle and polite (unlike us sometimes) and it seems to be across the whole of Africa that they are like this.  We have done some terrible things to them and they don't deserve it.

    Yes, I know there are still slaves, but in another form, as you say, and they are hopefully not shackled.

    Sometimes I am ashamed of white people and how we think we are superior.  We took 6 Aussie friends with us this last visit and they had never been to Africa before.  They all made the same comment of "these people are SO friendly and yet they are poor and their lives so difficult compared to ours" and we whinge and moan about our lives.

    They put us to shame.

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