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Yemen:Saudi Arabia. High grade silver, 650 grams

Yemen:Saudi Arabia. High grade silver, 650 grams
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  • side view2506035120?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Dear Angelo; What a beautiful head decoration! I have the same but plain, hence, without any dangles. These are very rare pieces and rather difficult to find! Congratulations. Peter

  • Wow! I do love this piece, Angelo. Congratulations. VEry very appealing!

    I need to ask one more question regarding your wonderful photography: would you mind sharing where you take the pictures (a while ago you surprised us by saying you are using an antique iphone:)) But I think the secret is the lighting ...:)

  • Thanx Peter and Betty ...

    Yes Betty !! The lighting is very important in any part of our life !1

    But in this case also ….

    I still take pictures with my iPhone 4S…lately on the floor and on a medium grey sheet of cardboard...

    the light comes from the top of picture which is my window…if there is too much light ..i block it with another cardboard leaning against a chair …my apt is all white ..so i still have light coming from the walls …all daylight ….in the morning …..

    Then on my computer for a little more contrast ..exposure …saturation and sharpness….no photoshop !!! It's a kind of work and patient …but the results are worthwhile!!!

    KISS KISS..Angelo

  • Hi Angelo, a beautiful, striking and dainty work.  Love also the details on the headband itself.  It oozes quality. Are you and Peter still working besides being always on the move finding these treasusres.?

  • Dear Ingrid; Many of my pieces have found me rather me having found them... I have got some very nice pieces but will only post them sometime in January once I am home for leave... With kind regards and best wishes. Peter

  • Dear Ingrid …..thanx 

    I think Peter is very lucky that treasures go to him …not happening to me !!! But sometimes!!!

    Btw..looking at your collection...it seems like you bought the entire production of Ethiopian treasures that is nothing left for US !!!! LOL


  • Dear Peter and  Angelo, it did take me 35 yrs while living in Ethiopia with many lovely cups of Ethiopia coffee or spiced tea. The dealers did like me I must admit we were content both ways. I di admire though the way both of you collect still the most stunning items and I enjoy greatly the items and the info about it.  Keep it going. My best wishes for the holidays and all the good things for 2016.  Gr. Ingrid.

  • Dear peter, I am sure you have gained your place of honor and favoritism also with many lovely cups of spiced tea and the great love for the items which dealers do feel and like and it is their greatest pleasure to be on the look out for special pieces.  Lucky you but I know you have earned it.

    Like I said in the previous post All the good things for 2016 and a lot of treasures to come on your way.

    Regards Ingrid. 

  • Dear Sarah Corbett and all Ethnic jewels friends.  From sumery Netherlands ( no white Xmas here.) I like to wish you all happy  holidays and a healthy, happy and good speed 2016.  Like me may you enjoy this lovely and informative site.

    Warm greetings to you all.

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