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Uzbek necklace

Nicely detailed Uzbek necklace
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  • A virtuoso piece of a very, very high standard. This is one where our tastes don't entirely coincide: I admire the piece but find it a bit too extravagant - perhaps particularly the interconnecting chains, which, together, look a bit frilly too me. But there is no doubting the quality, and if I say I don't "miss" this that is purely personal.

  • the chains and wire work style of this one are nice together as it gives it a lighter dimension.  

  • Yes, I can see that argument, for sure, but for myself would prefer to see the form more clearly concentrated together - the way the chains separate them off comes across as a bit "restless" to my older eyes! That is not a criticism, really - just a personal reaction. It is an excellent piece, and I think it is wonderful that you manage to show them to us to the extent that you can.

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