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two beauties from Ethiopia

two Ethiopian hairpins again.... the one on top I bought about a year ago from a German seller, the one on the bottom I just got yesterday (thanks Ingrid!). They are similar but different, not only in size, look at the necks.... and also he side views are different.
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  • These two are stunning, Eva! I love the new one, too. Congratulations!

    The variety of different styles always amazes me.

    I think I know have to post a picture of mine too (you have seen it before) which is similar and yet shows some more variation.

  • Thank you Betty. Yes please, do post it here! I will enjoy writing a comment (perhaps 2or 3 days later,as I am still out of Connection at home, but connect via another place). For me, it is interesting to see the differences between them......, although I am trying in general to collect types that differ more than These two. But These are so beautiful, I could not resist to have two very similar ones...  Here also the tops are slightly different (the new one having a bigger round on top).

  • very beautiful ones I like the little crosses on the top too. 

  • @Thank you Linda.   I was out of Internet at home, therefore  I was mostly absent, apart from some visits at an Internet Café or friends. Now everything is back to normal again.

    They are from two different sellers, the crosses indicate that they were worn by Christian ladies (the Muslim ladies wear the same type but without crosses, according to Ingrid).

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