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Tunisian Kholkhal

A matching set of anklets purchased in the Old Medina. These are quite heavy, with multiple hallmarks on the interior.
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  • Veeeeery fine!!!

    This is some very great stuff than changes from the ubitious closed tunisian anklets!  Very nice deep engravings

    Can i ask you if you bought these per weight or as a piece and if by weight, how much per gram?

  • I purchased these from a shop that I often frequent,  and paid per-gram weight.  He charged me the old price (1.5TD) --- new silver is now selling between 2 and 2.2TD per gram.  The seller had one only in the shop (it is one of those places that only the shop-keeper and one customer can fit, so limited stock).  When I said I wanted a pair, he told me he had the other in storage.  I came back the following week and bought them.  I had turned down many pairs before I bought these.

  • Fabulous Edith, this medina is  a treasure grotto...........

  • How gorgeous! You make me want to hop on the next plane to Tunis :)

  • Wonderful deep carving! I love the stamps inside too. Can you guess their age?

  • These are wonderful -- wish I shopped at your Medina

  • Thanks Patricia...my only regret is that they don't fit me and so I can't wear them!  They must have been made for a 12-year old bride, because they are a small size.

  • Hi Edith,

    Happy new year.

    Since you are so close to the source of these treasures have you thought of putting the spare ones on ebay?  There is definitely a market for it.......Especially as you have the knowledge which goes with it ..very important for prospoctive buyers..Just a thought!


  • They are nice, Edith. Have you thought of keeping them simply as art objects, even if you cannot wear them? That is, if you don't have another pair - as good - that you CAN wear.

  • Yes, Joost...I like them just as artifacts, even though I cannot wear them.  In fact, I do not think I could reasonably wear a good number of the pieces in my collection.  These, however, are so fabulous that I would have loved to wear them if possible!  Too bad!!!  I have noticed that many of the older Kholkhal are very small...I think because in the old days they were marrying girls off at a very young age (a practice that unfortunately continues in some less developed countries).  I also own a pair of silver Omani anklets that are too small to wear, I believe because they were typically given to a young girls.  Nowadays, most Tunisians get married at a more reasonble age.  So, I think the small size is just another indication of the antiquity of such pieces.

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