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Tuareg Horn & Sterling Silver Bangle/Bracelet.

Sleek and silver lined.Nothing fabulous - just nice. And comfy to wear.From Bamako?
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  • Oh I like These! It is possible it is from Mali, but I cannot tell for sure. Tuaregland is in the North of  Mali (but of course one could also buy it in certain Shops in Bamako). I never managed to get one like this, although I have many from Malian Tuareg.  I had some made of black Wood with metal slings hammered into, but after wearing about 3 years, it broke. The horn is more stable. I love this type of bracelet a lot!

  • Thank you, Eva. I like it a lot too. In fact, like you, I have been trying to get one for a long time, one that was in the reach of my pocket. The nice old ones seem to be surprisingly difficult to locate these days although they were around a few years ago. I was delighted to find this from a seller, who didn`t really know what she had.

    I suggested Bamako due this website, which has much charm:-


    In fact it`s a fairly traditional design variation and could be by the karuni family amongst others.

    Photos don`t do justice to the level of craftsmanship that goes into such bracelets.

  • @Frankie, thanks, I looked at the site. I have seen this type on other sites, but only brandnew examples, beautifully shining, but not old, used ones. I fully agree with you, old ones of this type seem to be extinct, I only saw new ones  (beautiful and not cheap!!!). Sometimes a seller does not know what she/he is selling, that is true, and this in either sense (valued too low or too high). I agree fully that yours is a splendid Piece! Sometimes we are just lucky, and find something at the right Moment when others have not detected it, or are not interested on that very Moment! it is good that such moments turn up once in a while, isn't it!?

  • No the new ones certainly are not cheap, Eva. And thank whatever powers there may be that such moments do occur!

  • I like it muchly Frankie.  

  • Goodly! The photo makes it look a bit crude due to enlargement but it`s much more finely crafted than the general run of contemporary ones. Merry Christmas, chuck!

  • Ebony. If you look good it s not horn. this kind of pieces are made of eboney. You have to handle with care.thry brske easy if they fale on the opening. Nice piece
  • Ait O, thank you. I did wonder about that but, as the seller described it as horn and I wasn`t certain, I did too. I don`t it will break easily because it is thickly encased in silver internally and protected with it on both sides at each end. But thanks for the warning.

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