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Torque inlaid gilt copper and iron

Torque inlaid with lapis, amazonite, coral gilt iron 18th c court necklace Chinese made for Mongolian use
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  • WONDERFUL! Quite "lush", but in an enchanting. fairy-tale kind of way!
  •  These are usually found in museum collections and were collected quite early on certain collecting expeditions. There is one in the British museum. Another one of those wish I could have kept categories as I have always wanted one for myself.  I got this from a collection also of dealers that were unwrapping at a show. I got it as soon as I saw it unwrapped and had some contention of this piece with another dealer doing show, I put a tag on it sold and my name and the other dealer tried to say she saw it first. It's so rare a piece that is the first time that had happened.  I sold it the first person through the door on opening night and could have sold it thrice more. It's good at least certain people recognize pieces and actually understand what they are looking at , makes my job of selling very easy. It is just a case of finding them.  If I ever find another one that is affordable, it will live with me!
  • Yes - I can imagine it creating a sort of contest/war, and lots of people wanting it. I do think it is a bit lush for me, but it IS excellent. Ultimately what you want becomes a subjective issue, and this is one I would not as ardently seek or want as some of your other great pieces - but it is a very, very good object. Top class in its own way, without a doubt.
  •  This reminds me of those great Renaissance inlaid cabinet of curiosity items. I love hardstone inlay work. I think the combination of malechite, coral and lapis are so beautiful.
  • You are right: it does have a Renaissance feel to it. And yes, I too like the combination of the coral, malachite and lapis greatly, although at the same time I could also imagine a "simpler" effect which I might like yet more. The metal work is also extremely well done, but all in all it is not really entirely my taste - a bit "rich". But I do see it as entirely consistent on your part that it does fit in with yours. And I do think it is a very great piece of work. Certainly it is a great standout, and very remarkable.
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