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Tigrini Bridal Pendants (both sets)-2

above newer (but old) Tigray (Ethiopian) set of Bridal Pendants, below the same, but much older and very worn (shown earlier on Ethnic separately)
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  • Wow. Excellent illustration of  the organic wear over time.  Beautiful!

  • @Thank you Annie (from whom I got the set on the top).  Thanks for the wonderful lovely packing ! It makes such a difference!  Thanks a lot for the Feature Sarah!  

  • Very nice. Another great find Eva.

  • Again lovely bridalpendants! To see all together is very nice!
  • 2505996744?profile=original@Thank you very much  Chantal and Akkie! The smaller pair is not only worn so much, it was smaller  from the beginning, as can be well seen on the photo of the backside (diameters).

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