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I think this example is unusual in having a bound cord for the ends.The centre of the pendant does look as though it`s carnelian and the black beads I think are jet. They`re warmer than glass and lighter.The Silver Afghan beads are relatively plain but there are six strands of coral per grouping rather than the more usual five.
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  • lovely wedding necklace these are always special and unique strung.

  • here another one for sale on Ebay 181119272663

  • Ah yes. Thanks. The difference is that I paid £65 for mine. But no nice Kazakh beads.

    I do like the way they vary.

  • black oval beads might be horn-
  • Yes, they could be Stefany. Tribal Heritage has in the past mentioned that jet does get used in these Tadjik necklaces.

    The beads are totally opaque, black and smooth with no signs of a grain. I have some horn beads right by me now and they seem different but that might be due to the type of horn and method of making.

  • Or they could be dyed buri nut, or vintage plastic.
    such a small oval shape is not usual for jet -as its brittle and difficult to carve,  shape and drill. I do (or did) have a few similar necklaces with shell, coral, silver and real middle east jet which was in fatter shapes of beads.

  • Thanks, Stefany, I had missed your last comment. Yes, they could be any of those.

  • F, I have some "horn" beads that look just like those.   Nice coral, silver, another good find m'duck.

  • Glad you like it, chuck. Would love to find some of those fabulous Kazakh wheel beads with jewelled centres to add to it that are within my budget. Or just to have them on their own.

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