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Small Algerian Necklace

Silver and enamel. 45 cm long
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  • It's the day of the lovely Algerian enamel necklaces. I've never seen this delicate kind of necklace before. Just beautiful!

  • This is just gorgeous Toya. 

  • Timeless.

  • It is very light weight, unlike my other Algerian jewelry. I wonder how old these small necklaces might be.

  • Lovely necklace. Maybe Ait can tell us if he sees this.

  • i m here.

    adding to what i wrote sbout patti necklace. it is made of rihanas necklaces soledered between. Rihana is also made in alegeria, kabyl, chawi, lgier region until saoura still wearing until now. it is not heavy because it is a " moh atitoh " necklace. not made on coins and with rihana.

    i guess it is made between 1970 and 1980

  • So, I stand corrected about the links of the chain to my necklace. It is related to the type of flat chain that is made in Tunisia. Thanks, Ait

  • moh = small mohammed, specialy kids or youngs are called moh instedt of mohamed.

    atitoh = small, little, young it depends where used

    i will check later again and add you some fotos. i m realy in hurry must go

  • Thank you Ait. You are teaching us so much.

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