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set filigree

group of silver with age hair sticks that one sees alot of newer ones of now. China
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  • very sweet!

  • I purchased these in NY when things were coming. I have seen newer versions of these only and not silver but other metals that look like silver. These are very whimsical and are very different then many sticks that either have thinner silver hammered and or are using different methods. The gauge of the wire here is thicker then one usually sees.  When one found things in China years ago, they were very very reasonable next to what we could buy them here for and or what we sold for. I never let it bother me that i could pay a fraction of the price there because you never know if it will turn up again.. My feeling is the same with anything. If you can afford it, don't put it off since many times the option of finding isn't there.  Now especially in many places this is true or in some cases the things are more then you would consider paying or affording now. 

  • Here is of of the new simple versions made of some metal alloy:


  • This is nice also. Do you know which group did this work? I have not found it yet in my books although I have not looked that rigorously! 

  • It was sold as Miao if I remember right; but the sellers were no experts and neither am I, I'm afraid... :-)

  •  Yes always Miao but then there are hundreds of groups.. thanks!  I will see if i can find them but then some times not categorized correctly as per some museums or books anyway.. 

  • is   REAL old   and  silver  one?in  fact  most  of  this  .as  far  as  i know,i only  see   the   matel  one!nice!!!

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