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Length 2 5/8". Weight 13.6 grams.The photos belie the delicacy of these earrings.I`d love to know exactly where they`re from. I haven`t seen anything quite like them from the Severnaya Chern factory or Kubachi output. They don`t look like Lithuanian niello work either.I`ve only twice seen articulated Russian niello earrings like this and neither time was their exact origin indicated. They are fairly unusual in being 925 silver. I can see no signs of gold wash.
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  • Another great find?   Very nice Frankie

  • they are lovely Frankie and also wearable am sure they will look great on you!

  • Thank you, my friends. They say everything comes to he/she who waits. I saw this style three years ago but the price was out of my reach. The seller did not know they were Russian.

  • What a beautiful earrings. Extraordinary form with special top!
  • Hi Frankie, I just came across these fabulous earrings of yours you posted last year. I have repeatedly seen similar pieces labelled Greek. Are yours hallmarked - maybe that could give a hint.

  • Thank you, Betty, you may well have solved my problem about the origin of these earrings. It seems that others also have had a problem when they have described similar earrings. Myself I have only ever seen them with garnets or coral but really that`s no clue.

    I can find no illustrations of Greek niello earrings so would be most grateful if you could point me in the direction of any at any time. Do you know exactly where in Greece they might be made?

  • Sorry, Betty, I meant to add that the only mark on them is the 925 mark.

  • It seems that these earrings were made by a small family firm in Athens. They are copies of an ancient Greek style. You can see some with an echo of this style at eBay no. 201041420832. They are not described as being niello but do look as though they are.

    Many thanks, Betty!

  • Unfortunately, I cannot remember where exactly I saw them. One pair I saw, was on ebay.de; the others may have been on etsy, or ebay, too.

    I have just looked at the pair on eBay. Yes, they are quite similar, but yours look definitely older and more intricate. In Turkey / Greece they seem to call niello  "savat"/ "savati". I think there has been a quite long tradition in either country to reproduce high-quality ancient designs. I have a lovely enamel bracelet some people believe to be from the Caucasus region. But I am fairly sure that it was made by a very skilled Turkish silversmith (maybe one with Caucasian roots, though :-)

    Anyway, these earrings are lovely!! Maybe we can find out more...

  • Never mind, Betty, at least you put me on the right track!

    I am more familiar with Turkish niello and know nothing about Greek niello. But, if there is a tradition of reproduction of ancient designs in both areas, I suppose my earrings could be by someone of Russian extraction now living in Greece. I say this because I have seen similar work done in Russian tableware rather than actual jewellery. Maybe even by someone from the Caucasus region now in Greece.

    You are right - the work in my earrings is much more intricate and skilled. You prompted me to examine them again to see that.

    I remember you have a wonderful enamel bracelet that I loved when I saw it some time ago so I`m going to look at it again now......

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