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Photo on 2013-09-21 at 20.57

Photo on 2013-09-21 at 20.57
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  • This is a Sidamo (Ethiopia province) wedding cloak . The fertility brass button from Betty's collection were sewn on this leather cloak, I had two other of these in Ethiopia with those decorations  but sold them and kept this one for myself because of its completion with the cowry shells. It is worn over the head, the long part on the back and the side pieces over the ears. Mine is rather dry. Most probably it is kept more soft by the owners, like the baby sacks, they are kept soft (also beautifully decorated with cowry shells.

  • wow thank you very much for These Pictures! Very interesting and nice! Thank you for taking the Trouble to look for them and Show us! So we are learing more.........and more.

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