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Ornaments - Hebron-Palestine

Ornaments - Hebron-Palestine
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  • Thanks for posting. Nice chain. Are the beads coral and amber? The hollow beated coins are special.

  • This is beautiful, worn over the shoulders?  There are similar Saudi or Yemeni ornaments but this has a much more tribal feel. 

  • Dear Johanne; The beads are Amber and Coral. With kind regards. Peter
  • Beautiful, Peter: I am increasingly in awe of your vast and wonderful collection.

    I agree with Lynn that some elements of this piece do remind one of Saudi/Oman/Yemen jewellery, and second her wish to learn how this ornament was worn. 

  • Dear Betty and Lynn; I will ask the next time, when I visit the dealer in Amman, how this one was exactly worn. As mentioned before, the other dealer in Amman, who had a similar (chain was not in silver but fabric/thread) unit, sold it together with a veil, a nose ring and fabulous (and I mean fabulous!) hair ornaments (they were very big - at least 4 times as big as the ones pictured here - and featured each a pin to fasten it to the hair). I will let you know. With kind regards. Peter

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