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Old Tuareg Korkoro with Nepal copper Ghau and TIV hair bead...

Old Tuareg Korkoro with Nepal copper Ghau and TIV hair bead...
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  • along with old red glass beads and black horn beads.

  • love the Korkoro! I always wanted one, but the ones I saw, were too expensive for me.... Beautiful, Ann. The copper Ghau is also lovely!  (I have some Korkoros, but only small Versions, not this type that is attached to the Turban).

  • Hi Eva, I am very attracted to Korkoros as well........all my friends want them.   Its a real statement when worn on a chain or with beads.

  • Hello Ann, what is a TIV hair bead?

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  • Harald hi, herewith a collection of some of my TIV/Yoruba brass hair tubes made by the "lost wax" method.   They plait their hair using extensions I presume - must have been very heavy!

    The TIV tribe live in Nigeria/Cameroon.

  • Fantastic collection Ann! They look great in your necklaces. Also love the korkoro (I had my eye on that one too :)
  • Thank you for showing these Ann,I had never seen those or may be never noticed. Glad to learn something again on this forum!

    I had bamboo ones from PNG but never compared them with ones from other cultures. May be there are more cultures who have this for their hair do.

  • How does one see if a bead is a hairbead or not? Some of the African bronze, messing or copper beads look about the same. 

  • Harald, I don't really know, but rings are used in the hair as well, I think any creative person will use whatever they find to adorn the body.  African hair is so thick that any item would hold.


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